Mass riots and protests in the Uzbek autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan
Protests in the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan against proposed amendments to the Constitution of Uzbekistan raised the question of Karakalpak’s complete independence from the Uzbek central government.
Taliban involved in clashes at the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border
The recent border clashes between the Taliban and Turkmen security forces highlight how fragile the security situation is in the region. As a matter of fact, in the last month, the Taliban also collided with the Iranian and Pakistani border guards.
Laschet alla CDU: la Germania post-Merkel potrebbe guardare alla continuità e a una intesa franco-tedesca
In questi giorni in tutta l’Europa è accresciuto l’interesse per la politica interna tedesca, perché si sono svolte le elezioni per decretare il successore di Angela Merkel alla guida della CDU, evento fondamentale visto che la Germania ricopre un ruolo primario nell’Unione Europea ed è considerata spesso come il motore economico del continente.
Political crisis in Kyrgyzstan
The Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan is experiencing a deep political crisis after the recent parliamentary elections. The country lacks clear leadership, the government forbade several people to leave the country, and the Kremlin had described the situation of the former Soviet republic as ‘messy and chaotic’.