Navigating Domestic Challenges and Needs: Turkmenistan-Pakistan Partnership in Advancing TAPI
Turkmenistan and Pakistan seek to confirm and expand their cooperation, notably in the domain of energy cooperation, with a focal emphasis on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline project.
Caspian Sea Summit geopolitical background
In October 2022, representatives of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, and Russia will attend the second Caspian Economic Forum hosted in Moscow to discuss future energy cooperation and projects.
India and Turkmenistan discussed the Afghanistan situation and the TAPI natural gas pipeline project
The Turkmenistan-India meeting highlighted the role that Afghanistan plays in Ashgabat and New Delhi’s foreign policy and regional strategy and the importance that the TAPI project play for Turkmen and Indian economies.
Russian companies’ interests in Afghanistan and TAPI
During the last few days, Russian companies have shown interest in supporting the TAPI pipeline project and the Taliban in reparing their helicopters and training personnel highlighting the Kremlin’s strategy in Central Asia and Afghanistan.
Ukraine conflict, natural gas pipelines and Russian strategy
As clashes in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities escalate, Brussels is discussing additional manoeuvres to strike Russia, although Moscow might have adopted counter-measures based on alternative gas pipelines to export its natural gas to the Asian markets and support its economy.
Iran promotes gas projects in Qatar
The Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi arrived in Doha to attend the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) and probably sign several Memorandum of Understandings, most notably to realise a crucial underwater project that will connect Iran and Iraq.
Analisi della pipeline Goreh-Jask nello scacchiere geopolitico iraniano
L’oleodotto di Goreh-Jask è un tassello importante nel programma nazionale iraniano di sviluppo economico che non solo favorirà la crescita del paese, ma fornirà a Teheran una leva geopolitica in grado di controllare maggiormente lo Stretto di Hormuz e contrastare la strategia statunitense nella regione.