Unveiling the Shadows: Understanding the Ongoing Terrorism Threat in the Philippines
The recent counterterrorism operation conducted in the Lanao del Sur province of the Philippines has brought terrorism to the forefront in this Asian nation.
The U.S.-Philippines military exercise ‘Balikatan 2022’
The joint U.S.-Philippines military exercise ‘Balikatan 2022’ is a sign of Washington’s commitment and strategy in the Asia-Pacific to contrast further Chinese expansion in the region and strengthen military and political relations with Manila.
The Geostrategic Role of the Philippines in Supporting U.S. Interests in the Southwest Asia-Pacific Area
The strategic value attributed by the United States to the archipelago of the Philippines can be traced back to the geopolitical dispute between Washington and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), for the control of some geo-maritime areas between the eastern and southern sides of the China Sea.