Islamic State Khurasan published a video targeting Taliban government’s ties with the international community
Recently, a video published by Al-Azaim Foundation, Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP)’s mouthpiece in the region, harshly lashed out against the Taliban and their relations with the international community and particularly neighbouring countries, including Pakistan, China, and Russia.
Islamic State’s new leader and future threats in Eurasia
After the Islamic State (IS) leadership announced the appointment of the new organisation’s Caliph, Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Quraysh, we might predict increasing terrorist attacks and operations in Eurasia, especially in the AfPak, Syria and Iraq.
Islamic State wilayats pledged allegiance to their new leader
After the Islamic State (IS) leadership announced the appointment of the new organisation’s leader, Abu al-Hassan al-Hashimi al-Quraysh, IS spokesman Abu Umar requested all fighters in the provinces to swear allegiance to the new leader.
Al-Furqan media announced the release of a new media product
The al-Furqan media, which handles the official communications of the Islamic State leadership, announced the release of a new media product shortly, which might reveal the new Islamic State’s Caliph or comment on the current Ukraine conflict.
The terrorist attack in Pakistan highlights regional instability
The recent terrorist attack in Peshawar underlined security problems in Pakistan linked to different terrorist groups that operate in the region, especially between the Afghan-Pakistani border, and stressed Islamabad and Kabul’s current inability to completely contrast the Islamic State’s threat.
In Afghanistan drug trafficking and terrorism are increasing among regional concerns
Recent reports have underlined that drug trafficking, terrorist attacks, and Islamic State activities are Afghanistan’s leading dangers that can jeopardise local security and Central Asian dynamics.
Germany confirms its military presence in Iraq
On Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, the new German Government decided to extend by nine months the foreign mission in Iraq of the Bundeswehr until the end of October 2022. At the same time, the German Government discussed some adjustments regarding foreign missions to exclude the possibility of using the Bundeswehr in Syria.
Uyghur militants in Afghanistan: a possible threat for China
The presence of Uyghur suicide bombers in the ranks of the Islamic State-Khorasan increases Beijing’s fears about the threat to China’s national security emanating from Afghanistan.
Mapping and monitoring terrorist activities in Afghanistan in 2021
We have monitored terrorist and violent attacks in Afghanistan in 2021 and produced an interactive map to assess which regions are affected mainly by terrorist organisations and analyse how terrorism has evolved or changed since the Taliban’s rise to power.
Dilemma of Central Asian Jihadists between IS-K and Taliban
The Taliban’s pragmatic diplomacy and gradual departure from the Jihadi ideology alienate Central Asian jihadists from the Taliban and strengthen its ardent enemy, the Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K). Taliban-backed Uyghur jihadists, who exploited shahids (martyr) exclusively against the Chinese authorities in the past, recently carried out a suicide attack against the Shia Hazara minority under…
The effect of terrorism in Afghanistan on Russian-Tajik relations
The recent terrorist attack in Kunduz alarmed Tajikistan and Russia on the stability and security of the Afghan-Tajik borders and the Taliban ability to counter Islamic State and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan. In this framework, Moscow and Dushanbe are seeking to enhance their cooperation in the security field, confirming the Russian strategy to play…
Counter-terrorism in Russia: FSB thwart an attack in Vladikavkaz
The recent attempt to organise a terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz highlighted that the North Caucasus had not defeated local and international terrorism, and jihadist organisations are still a severe threat in the region.
Diversi militanti dello Stato Islamico arrestati recentemente nell’Iraq del nord
Le forze di sicurezza irachene hanno arrestato nella notte di martedì 21 gennaio 2020 un militante dello Stato Islamico nella provincia di Kirkuk nel nord dell’Iraq. Secondo quanto affermato dalle fonti locali, la persona arrestata sarebbe ‘un elemento pericoloso e membro della leadership dello Stato Islamico’.
La morte di al-Baghdadi e l’illusione della vittoria
La morte del leader dello Stato Islamico Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Siria a causa di un raid a guida statunitense può considerarsi uno dei tanti eventi nella lotta al terrorismo, ma non la vittoria su quello che è un fenomeno di portata mondiale che si è insinuato nelle crisi regionali grazie agli errori di politica…
Terrorismo nel Caucaso del Nord: attacchi in calo, ma preoccupano ancora i problemi della sicurezza
Il Caucaso del Nord continua a dare segnali contrastanti per quel che riguarda la sicurezza interna dimostrando sempre di più quanto la gestione di questa regione del sud della Russia sia complessa e debba prendere in esame tutta una serie di peculiarità locali e di influenze esterne.