Geostrategy and military competition in the Pacific
The geostrategic importance that the Pacific Ocean has recently assumed can be traced back to the political-strategic priorities defined by the United States and China, the two most militarily active states within some regions of this Ocean.
International Conference on Cooperation between Central Asia and South Asia in Tashkent
The International Conference on Cooperation between Central Asia and South Asia in Tashkent highlighted regional geopolitical dynamics, international actors’ interests in Central and South Asia and possible future cooperation and alliances to face emerging socioeconomic issues.
Russia and India partnership on Afghanistan and Indo-Pacific
The Indian Foreign Affairs Minister’s recent visit to Moscow highlights that Russia-India relations intensify because New Delhi has become one of the Kremlin’s essential trading partners and a valuable ally in Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific.
Pakistani business interest in Uzbekistan
Pakistani officials have shown their interest in developing economic cooperation with Uzbekistan due to Islamabad’s regional strategy in Central Asia and Pakistan’s desire to play a more influential role in the region to counter India and support the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative.
Iran interests in Eurasian Economic Union: possibilities and constraints
Tehran’s attempt to become a member of the Eurasian Economic Union aims to enhance its trade partners and contrast the economic problems caused by the U.S. sanctions.
Tajikistan: the Kremlin’s frontier against the Taliban
The Russian Federation wants militarily to support Tajikistan with the aim of controlling the borders with Afghanistan and contrasting the possible Taliban offensive in the region.
Iran-UAE commercial trade will increase among regional tensions
Iran and the United Arab Emirates will expand their commercial trade, although Tehran’s foreign policy is a source of permanent concern to Abu Dhabi and the Gulf states.
Central Asian security problems: authoritarianism, economic crisis and foreign influence
The NATO troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has raised concern about security in Central Asia, a region where authoritarianism, economic crisis and foreign influence are potential detractors for the local stability.
Why we should monitor the Iranian presidential election
The upcoming Iranian presidential election is among the 2021 most important geopolitical events because the future Iranian president might influence the Iran-United States negotiations on the Nuclear Deal, Tehran’s foreign policy and domestic economy strategy.
UAE investments in Turkmenistan confirm Abu Dabhi’s potential role in Central Asia
The recent visit of a Turkmen delegation in Abu Dhabi emphasised the rising role that the United Arab Emirates want to play in Central Asia, focusing their efforts on investment projects and diplomatic and trade cooperation.
Cooperation among Qatar and Uzbekistan
During the first official visit to Uzbekistan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Doha expressed its desire to improve the cooperation and strengthen the relations with Tashkent, confirming the Qatari interest in the Central Asian dynamics.
Afghanistan briefing: regional and international foreign relations
Since U.S. President Joe Biden confirmed the NATO troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, several regional and international actors have demonstrated their commitment to support the Afghan transition peace process and exploit the possible geopolitical vacuum left by Washington.
Il mercato energetico in Armenia tra ristrutturazioni e interessi esteri. Intervista con Hakob Varanyan
L’Armenia si appresta a organizzare le nuove elezioni volute a seguito del conflitto del Nagorno-Karabakh del 2020 in un periodo storico per il paese caucasico caratterizzato da una lenta ripresa economica e una crisi politica interna che fanno da contraltare ai progetti governativi nazionali che mirano a realizzare infrastrutture nel settore energetico per coprire la…
Turkey and pan-Turkism in Central Asia: challenges for Russia and China
The recent online summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States stressed Ankara’s desire to enhance the cooperation with Central Asian countries elevating its geopolitical role and threatening China and Russia with pan-Turkism ideology.
Bielorussia: la diversificazione energetica passa attraverso il nucleare. Intervista a Minenergo
Nel novembre 2020 la Bielorussia inaugurò la nuova centrale nucleare di Astravyets, costruita in collaborazione con la Russia. Il presidente bielorusso Lukashenko, presente all’inaugurazione, dichiarò che questo per la Bielorussia rappresentava un momento storico, poiché il paese stava diventando ufficialmente una potenza nucleare. Nonostante i timori sollevati dagli Stati Baltici per la sicurezza, la centrale…