South Ossetia and Abkhazia cooperation and the geopolitics of the Caucasus
The recent visit of the South Ossetian President to Abkhazia to celebrate Victory and Independence Day and the meeting among South Ossetian and Abkhaz presidents and ministers underline their cooperation and the role that these two republics play in the South Caucasian geopolitics.
Iran e Kirghizistan discutono la cooperazione regionale
Il 21 settembre ha preso il via la 76° sessione dell’Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite. I rappresentanti degli Stati che hanno preso parte all’evento, tra cui Iran e Kirghizistan, ne hanno approfittato per svolgere una serie di incontri a margine e attuare le loro strategie regionali attraverso accordi bilaterali e memorandum d’intesa.
Iran increases its cooperation with Russia
Due to the U.S. sanctions, Iran has shifted its foreign policy looking for regional actors with whom to reach a new partnership. Therefore, in the last years, we have witnessed an increase in cooperation between Tehran and Moscow in different fields.
The Middle Eastern expansion of Tatneft
In the last few years, the Russian company Tatneft has expanded its business in the MENA region. Its roots in the Tatarstan Republic make it a perfect tool in the hands of the Kremlin, which wants to balance the Western influence in the area.
The new geopolitical game of Afghanistan
The complete NATO troops withdrawal from Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban mark the beginning of a new geopolitical game in the region, which involves China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, India and Turkey. At the same time, the United States seems to have increased their strategic interest in the Asia-Pacific to counter Chinese sea power…
Ucraina tra nazionalismo e militarismo: report da Kiev
Anche se l’Ucraina guarda alla democrazia dell’Unione Europea, attualmente il paese è ancora caratterizzato da un sistema oligarchico e da una leadership politica che ha fatto del nazionalismo e del militarismo elementi portanti della propria politica e comunicazione strategica interna.
Geostrategy and military competition in the Pacific
The geostrategic importance that the Pacific Ocean has recently assumed can be traced back to the political-strategic priorities defined by the United States and China, the two most militarily active states within some regions of this Ocean.
The role of pro-Iran Shiite militias in Afghanistan
The eventuality that Iran has supported the creation of a Shiite militant organisation in Afghanistan has caused diplomatic tensions among Tehran and Kabul and highlighted how fragile the country’s situation might be after the NATO troops withdrawal.
Russia and India partnership on Afghanistan and Indo-Pacific
The Indian Foreign Affairs Minister’s recent visit to Moscow highlights that Russia-India relations intensify because New Delhi has become one of the Kremlin’s essential trading partners and a valuable ally in Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific.
Iran interests in Eurasian Economic Union: possibilities and constraints
Tehran’s attempt to become a member of the Eurasian Economic Union aims to enhance its trade partners and contrast the economic problems caused by the U.S. sanctions.
Tajikistan: the Kremlin’s frontier against the Taliban
The Russian Federation wants militarily to support Tajikistan with the aim of controlling the borders with Afghanistan and contrasting the possible Taliban offensive in the region.
L’Armenia dopo le elezioni parlamentari
Le elezioni parlamentari in Armenia hanno decretato la vittoria di Nikol Pashinyan generando scontento in una parte dell’elettorato e in Nagorno-Karabakh e confermando quanto il futuro della repubblica armena possa essere caratterizzato da tensioni sociali.
Iran-UAE commercial trade will increase among regional tensions
Iran and the United Arab Emirates will expand their commercial trade, although Tehran’s foreign policy is a source of permanent concern to Abu Dhabi and the Gulf states.
Central Asian security problems: authoritarianism, economic crisis and foreign influence
The NATO troop withdrawal from Afghanistan has raised concern about security in Central Asia, a region where authoritarianism, economic crisis and foreign influence are potential detractors for the local stability.
Cooperazione transfrontaliera Iran-Pakistan in ottica geopolitica euroasiatica
Il recente accordo tra Iran e Pakistan per il controllo e la messa in sicurezza dell’area di frontiera evidenzia un possibile avvicinamento di Teheran e Islamabad in ottica geopolitica con possibili ripercussioni nella vicina regione dell’Asia Centrale,in special modo a seguito del ritiro delle truppe statunitensi dall’Afghanistan e dell’ampliamento degli investimenti cinesi in supporto alla…