Breaking the News Cycle: Enhancing Geopolitical Analysis Through Analytical Frameworks
At SpecialEurasia we had a profound realisation regarding the significance of relying on an analytical framework in geopolitical analysis rather than attempting to consume an overwhelming amount of news in the realm of geopolitical forecasting.
Create your geopolitical framework with Marko Papic’s book “Geopolitical Alpha”
The book “Geopolitical Alpha: An Investment Framework for Predicting the Future” guides the reader in the intricate world of geopolitical analysis in support of business and financial markets and provides future and current geopolitical analysts with a methodology and examples to produce forecasting.
China in 2022: an economic overview
Although China’s economic growth has slowed in recent months due to several COVID-19 outbreaks, energy shortages and a regulatory crackdown in some sectors, the overall economic recovery is stable. Annual GDP growth is expected to reach 8% in 2021, down 0.1 from the July forecast.