Azerbaijan-Iran crisis and Tehran-Yerevan’s new transit route
The growing tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan (backed by Turkey) might destabilise the Caucasus and create problems for the transit corridors which cross the region. In this context, to counter the Azerbaijani project of the Zangezur transit corridor, Tehran might establish a new transportation route with Armenia.
South Ossetia and Abkhazia cooperation and the geopolitics of the Caucasus
The recent visit of the South Ossetian President to Abkhazia to celebrate Victory and Independence Day and the meeting among South Ossetian and Abkhaz presidents and ministers underline their cooperation and the role that these two republics play in the South Caucasian geopolitics.
Armenian parliamentary election: why matters?
Kavkaz Files ISSN 2975-0474 Volume 5 Issue 2 Author: Giuliano Bifolchi After the 2018 Velvet Revolution and the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, Armenian is at the crossroad for its future existence because on June 20th, 2021, the Armenians will vote for the third time in five years for the Prime Minister and national government.
Il mercato energetico in Armenia tra ristrutturazioni e interessi esteri. Intervista con Hakob Varanyan
L’Armenia si appresta a organizzare le nuove elezioni volute a seguito del conflitto del Nagorno-Karabakh del 2020 in un periodo storico per il paese caucasico caratterizzato da una lenta ripresa economica e una crisi politica interna che fanno da contraltare ai progetti governativi nazionali che mirano a realizzare infrastrutture nel settore energetico per coprire la…
Nagorno-Karabakh: and the winner is… Russia
After a long meeting, the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia, supervised by Russia, agreed on the ceasefire, which should precede the peace negotiation between Baku and Yerevan on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Although Azerbaijan is claiming its victory in the conflict, the Russian Federation is the real winner in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict might destabilise the entire Eurasian region
The Caucasus might become the theatre of a new conflict whose consequences will impact the entire Eurasian region if the international community does not stop the military escalation at the borders of the de-facto Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan.
Russia wants to upgrade the port of Makhachkala
Russia plans to develop the infrastructure of the port of Makhachkala to transform the Dagestani capital into a logistic hub in the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus region and boost socio-economic development. Moscow’s desire to upgrade Makhachkala’s seaport and airport challenges the city of Baku, and the Azerbaijani aim to become the Caspian interconnection.
Tensioni Armenia – Azerbaigian, stabilità del Caucaso meridionale e dinamiche geopolitiche
Gli scontri militari tra Armenia ed Azerbaigian lungo la linea di confine registrati il 12 luglio 2020 riportano l’attenzione sul conflitto ‘congelato’ mai risolto o mal gestito del Nagorno-Karabkh che minaccia la stabilità del Caucaso meridionale e gli interessi degli attori regionali e internazionali.
Le dimissioni presidenziali in Abkhazia e la crisi politica interna
La repubblica di Abkhazia situata nel Caucaso sta vivendo una crisi politica interna dopo le dimissioni del presidente Raul Khajimba avvenute nella notte tra il 12 e il 13 gennaio 2020. La crisi politica abcasa ha impatto significativo su un paese che è dipendente dal supporto economico-finanziario e militare russo e che vive un isolamento…