SpecialEurasia attended the International Round Table “Caspian Economic Forum-2022”
SpecialEurasia attended the International Round Table “Caspian Economic Forum-2022” together with experts and scholars from Caspian Sea countries, NGOs, and representatives of the Chamber of Trade and Industry of the Astrakhan region, mass media and state authorities, to discuss current geopolitical and economic dynamics in the region and forecast future trends.
SpecialEurasia signed a cooperation agreement with Mondo Internazionale
SpecialEurasia signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with the association Mondo Internazionale to enhance training activities and consulting services and organise events to allow the Italian and foreign audience to deepen their knowledge of the world of international affairs and geopolitics.
SpecialEurasia signed a partnership agreement with Confidential Agency
SpecialEurasia reached a cooperation and partnership agreement with Confidential Agency, intending to improve our services, consulting activities and training courses in the field of Open Source Intelligence, investigation, geopolitical risk and travel security.
Corso online in “Geopolitica delle crisi moderne: dall’unipolarismo al multipolarismo”
Nel mese di ottobre, SpecialEurasia in collaborazione con il CeSEM – Centro Studi Eurasia e Mediterraneo, UniDolomiti e l’Istituto Internazionale delle Scienze Sociali, organizza un nuovo corso online dal titolo “Geopolitica delle crisi moderne: dall’unipolarsimo al multipolarismo”.
SpecialEurasia stops its online activities for the Summer break
SpecialEurasia decided to stop its online activities in August 2022 to organise next season’s projects and propose an updated website focused on geopolitical analysis, risk assessment, security monitoring and forecasting.
SpecialEurasia attended the Virtual Symposium on Lifting the Siege on the city of Taiz in Yemen
SpecialEurasia attended the Virtual Symposium on Lifting the Siege on the city of Taiz and efforts toward building peace organised by the Embassy of Yemen in Italy to focus the attention of media, politicians and experts on the Yemen civil war and the harsh conditions the local population is experiencing.
Online book presentation “Conflict in Ukraine: geopolitical risk, jihadist propaganda and threat for Europe”: a summary
On June 24th, 2022, SpecialEurasia, in cooperation with Criminalità e Giustizia, CISINT, Cesintel, IPA, ADR 360 and CCMN, organised an online webinar to present the book “Conflict in Ukraine: geopolitical risk, jihadist propaganda and threat for Europe”.
Presentazione del libro “Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l’Europa” a Roma
Si è svolta a Roma il giorno martedì 21 giugno 2022 la presentazione del libro “Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l’Europa” organizzata da EastWest, moderata da Matteo Meloni, che ha visto gli interventi degli autori Silvia Boltuc, Giuliano Bifolchi e Daniele Garofalo.
Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l’Europa
Il libro “Conflitto in Ucraina: rischio geopolitico, propaganda jihadista e minaccia per l’Europa” pubblicato da Enigma Edizioni è nato da un progetto di SpecialEurasia con l’obiettivo di analizzare il rischio geopolitico derivante dalla propaganda jihadista e dalla presenza dei foreign fighters nel conflitto ucraino e le possibili ripercussioni per il continente europeo.
SpecialEurasia launched a new joint project called “Opinione Araba – الرأي العربي”
SpecialEurasia launched a new joint project called “Opinione Araba – الرأي العربي” in partnership with the Italian media agency Notizie Geopolitiche. The project aims to promote geopolitics, international relations, investment opportunities, and local dynamics related to the Arab world among the Italian audience.
SpecialEurasia attends the 31st World Congress of the IFJ in Oman
SpecialEurasia will attend the 31st World Congress of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) in Muscat (Oman) from May 31st, 2022, to June 3rd, 2022, to discuss media and press issues, freedom, and violence against journalists. This event will also be an opportunity to get acquainted with Omani politics and economics and to meet local…
SpecialEurasia attended a round table on constitutional reforms in Kazakhstan
As part of the SpecialEurasia project “Geopolitika Evrazija”, we attended a round table at the Kazakh embassy in Rome to get acquainted with the constitutional reforms and the upcoming referendum that will be held in Kazakhstan on June 5th, 2022.
Corso online in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) e Geopolitica per il giornalismo investigativo a maggio 2022
SpecialEurasia e il Centro Studi Roma 3000 presentano l’edizione congiunta del corso di formazione operativa dedicato all’Open Source Intelligence e alla geopolitica per il giornalismo investigativo il cui obiettivo è quello di fornire le necessarie e fondamentali conoscenze per condurre un’analisi delle fonti aperte e supportare il processo di conoscenza del rischio geopolitico e la redazione…
SpecialEurasia website faced and overcame a massive cyber attack
Last night SpecialEurasia platform faced a cyber attack, but our team managed to overcome the problem and restore the website and its activity.
Work shop “Storia di un conflitto. Dall’Euromaidan ai giorni nostri”, San Marino 23 aprile 2022
{:en}Il giorno sabato 23 aprile 2022 alle ore 14.00 il team di SpecialEurasia prenderà parte all’evento “Storia di un Conflitto. Dall’Euromaidan ai giorni nostri. La Repubblica di San Marino e i nuovi equilibri geopolitici mondiali” organizzato da Libera.{:}{:it}Il giorno sabato 23 aprile 2022 alle ore 14.00 si svolgerà a San Marino l’evento “Storia di un…