Kazakhstan and Bashkortostan increased their trade volume and economic partnership
Since Kazakhstan and Bashkortostan have increased their economic partnership and trade volume, Ufa might significantly promote and strengthen Moscow-Nursultan relations.
The geostrategic role of the Kuril Islands in the Russian foreign policy for the Asia-Pacific Northwest area
For the Russian Federation, since its conquest against the Japanese Empire at the end of World War II, the Kuril Islands have represented an island area of vital geostrategic importance for the defence of its interests in the Asia-Pacific Northwest.
Why should the United States and Russia talk to each other?
A deep crisis on the eastern side of Europe might lead to a new confrontation between the United States (read NATO) and Russia. If the direct war between the two powers seems difficult to happen, the sense of encirclement perceived by the Russians is dangerously pushing Moscow into the arms of Beijing.
l ruolo dei giovani diplomatici nella politica estera russa: intervista a Konstantin Kolpakov
L’incontro avvenuto a Mosca con Konstantin Kolpakov da parte del nostro team ha permesso di mettere in risalto il ruolo che possono avere i giovani diplomatici nella politica estera russa e nel monitoraggio e comprensione dei fenomeni che maggiormente influenzano lo scacchiere geopolitico internazionale.
Tatarstan’s role in Kyrgyz economic diversification and investments attraction
The recent official visit of the President of Tatarstan in Bishkek and the forum ‘Tatarstan – Kyrgyzstan’ highlighted the role that Kazan might play in supporting the Russian strategy in the Kyrgyz republic by improving economic cooperation and trade turnover.
Russia-Iran entente on Eurasian current issues and dynamics
The recent telephone talk between Putin and Raisi highlighted Russia-Iran cooperation on geopolitical, security, and economic issues in Eurasia and Moscow-Tehran’s desire to strengthen their partnership and collaboration on Afghanistan, Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh.
The Russian strategy in the Middle East. An interview with Alexander Hoffmann
Since the so-called Arab Spring and concurrently with the U.S. slow disengagement from the Middle East, the Russian Federation has become a significant geopolitical actor in the Arab-Muslim world. Understanding Russian foreign policy with key Middle Eastern geopolitical actors and the Russian state companies’ activities is fundamental to forecasting possible future trends in the area.
CIS meeting and the Russian strategy in Eurasia
The recent CIS meeting underlined the Kremlin’s strategy to strengthen its influence in Eurasia through military cooperation and diplomacy. In an era characterised by confrontation with the United States and the rise of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Russia confirms its desire to be the principal player in Eurasia.
Turkmenistan increases economic and energy cooperation with Russia
Turkmenistan seeks regional and international partners to strengthen the national economic performance and attract investors in infrastructural projects. Recent meetings between Turkmen and Russian official representatives and companies underline the Kremlin’s strategy to increase its presence in the country and Ashgabat’s necessity to diversify its commercial partners.
Geostrategy and military competition in the Korean Peninsula
The political-strategic priorities of the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the United States had conferred high geostrategic value to the Korean Peninsula in the North-East Pacific Scenario. In this region, since the totalitarian regime of North Korea hardly coexists with a Western-type State of South Korea, military assets play a fundamental role.
The effect of terrorism in Afghanistan on Russian-Tajik relations
The recent terrorist attack in Kunduz alarmed Tajikistan and Russia on the stability and security of the Afghan-Tajik borders and the Taliban ability to counter Islamic State and other terrorist groups in Afghanistan. In this framework, Moscow and Dushanbe are seeking to enhance their cooperation in the security field, confirming the Russian strategy to play…
Iran-Russia cooperation might support Tehran’s foreign strategy in Eurasia
The meeting between the Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Amir Abdollahian and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov highlights that Iran seeks to strengthen its cooperation with Russia to support its new foreign policy based on regional cooperation and commercial trade.
Geostrategy and military competition in the Mediterranean Sea
The geostrategic importance that the Mediterranean Sea has assumed in recent years can be traced back to the political-strategic priorities defined by Russia, the United States and some of its allies (Italy, Spain, France), identifiable as the states most militarily active within some regions of this geo-maritime space.
A San Marino si parla del rafforzamento dei rapporti russo-sammarinesi
Il giorno 7 ottobre 2021 a San Marino il partito politico Libera organizzerà un evento volto ad analizzare e promuovere le relazioni tra il Titano e il Cremlino a seguito della recente visita in Russia del Segretario di Stato agli Esteri della Repubblica di San Marino Luca Beccari e del suo incontro con il Ministro…
Risk assessment del Conflitto del Donbass
Fin dall’inizio il Conflitto nel Donbass si è frapposto nei rapporti tra la Federazione Russa e l’Unione Europea così come nelle relazioni tra Mosca e Kiev. Un suo acutizzarsi potrebbe comportare la destabilizzazione non solo della regione, ma dell’intero scacchiere geopolitico euroasiatico.