The centrality of the Senkaku Archipelago for geostrategic balances in the East China Sea
The geostrategic importance that the Japanese Senkaku archipelago has assumed in recent years can be traced back to the geopolitical priorities identified by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States recognisable as the two most militarily equipped countries in the north-west Asia-Pacific area.
The geostrategic role of the Kuril Islands in the Russian foreign policy for the Asia-Pacific Northwest area
For the Russian Federation, since its conquest against the Japanese Empire at the end of World War II, the Kuril Islands have represented an island area of vital geostrategic importance for the defence of its interests in the Asia-Pacific Northwest.
The geostrategic importance of the Island of Guam in the U.S. policy of containment of Chinese expansionism in the Asia-Pacific.
The Island of Guam in the Asia-Pacific region plays a decisive role for the U.S. military and geopolitical strategy in countering Chinese expansion and influence in the area.
Chinese militarisation of the South China Sea: a geostrategic necessity?
With the installation of Xi Jinping as head of state in 2012, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has identified the South China Sea as an area of high geopolitical importance for pursuing its geophysical peculiarities of specific political-strategic priorities.
Il confronto militare sino-statunitense per il controllo dell’isola di Taiwan
L’importanza geostrategica che negli ultimi anni ha assunto l’isola di Taiwan è riconducibile alle priorità geopolitiche definite da Stati Uniti e Repubblica Popolare Cinese (RPC), identificabili come i due Paesi militarmente più attivi nell’area Asia-Pacifico nord-occidentale.
Geostrategy and military competition in the Korean Peninsula
The political-strategic priorities of the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation and the United States had conferred high geostrategic value to the Korean Peninsula in the North-East Pacific Scenario. In this region, since the totalitarian regime of North Korea hardly coexists with a Western-type State of South Korea, military assets play a fundamental role.
Geostrategy and military competition in the Pacific
The geostrategic importance that the Pacific Ocean has recently assumed can be traced back to the political-strategic priorities defined by the United States and China, the two most militarily active states within some regions of this Ocean.
US strategy in Kazakhstan: more investments and economic partnership
According to the new US strategy in Central Asia, the White House is expanding trade partnerships and investments in Kazakhstan, which aspires to improve independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity in the so-called Stan Countries and strengthen Washington’s presence in one of the most strategic regions in the world.
The EU strengthens its economic partnership with Vietnam looking to the ASEAN in the future
The European Parliament approved the EU – Vietnam free trade agreement as a sign of Brussels’ major involvement in the ASEAN market. This trade agreement demonstrates that Brussels is building its way to becoming one of the main geopolitical actors in the ASEAN.
Myanmar costruirà un nuovo porto per la Belt and Road Initiative
Secondo fonti locali e i media cinesi, il Myanmar costruirà un porto a Kyaukpyu nella parte occidentale del paese e lo collegherà via autostrada e ferrovia a Kunming nella Cina meridionale. Questo porto diventerà una risorsa essenziale per la Belt and Road Initiative cinese e consentirà a Pechino di avere accesso all’Oceano Indiano ed evitare…
La politica economica cinese tra Nuova Via della Seta, decarbonizzazione e GNL
La Belt and Road Initiative elaborata da Pechino mira a proiettare la Cina come potenza mondiale a livello politico ed economico. Il settore energetico, ed in special modo quello del gas naturale, diviene quindi fondamentale per la crescia economica nazionale e l’affermazione cinese nello schacchiere geopolitico internazionale.
L’evoluzione della Marina Militare cinese PLAN
L’ascesa della Repubblica Popolare Cinese a potenza economica mondiale e il suo progresso nel campo militare, come dimostra l’evoluzione della Marina Militare cinese, rappresentano due elementi fondamentali per poter contrapporre Pechino all’influenza e alla presenza militare statunitense nella regione dell’Oceano Pacifico.