Busan Economic Forum: Strengthening Trade Ties between South Korea and Central Asia
In an increasingly interconnected and multipolar world, the recent Busan Economic Forum has confirmed Seoul and the Central Asian republics’ interests to strengthen economic and trade relations, positioning South Korea amidst a dynamic landscape shaped by global powers as well as pivotal regional actors.
Prospects and Pitfalls: The Road Ahead for Turkey-ASEAN Relations
Turkey’s engagement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has evolved into a strategic endeavour, marked by Ankara’s quest for deeper economic, diplomatic, and cultural connections.
Unveiling the Shadows: Understanding the Ongoing Terrorism Threat in the Philippines
The recent counterterrorism operation conducted in the Lanao del Sur province of the Philippines has brought terrorism to the forefront in this Asian nation.
Myanmar Conflict Implications for U.S. National Security
To counter a rising China, the U.S. should revise its definition of the Indian Ocean area of responsibility, and formulate a plan dedicated specifically to the Bay of Bengal and Myanmar.
The Struggle to Save Japan’s Ageing Society
Japan has one of the fastest-declining fertility rates and one of the highest rates of ageing in the world. The Japanese government is trying to reduce this problem through social, economic, and demographic policies.
Geostrategia e competizione militare nell’Asia-Pafico
Questa ricerca si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare la competizione sino-statunitense nella regione dell’Asia-Pacifico prestando particolare at-tenzione alle loro strategie nel settore militare.
India’s cultural diplomacy in Turkmenistan in the framework of Central Asian geopolitics
Geopolitical Report ISSN 2785-2598 Volume 29 Issue 8 Author: Guido Keller India and Turkmenistan discussed expanding cultural cooperation confirming New Delhi’s strategy in Central Asia and Ashgabat’s desire to diversify and enhance its collaboration and ties with regional actors.
Vietnam and Uzbekistan seek to expand economic cooperation
Since Uzbekistan and Vietnam are expanding their economic cooperation and relations, Tashkent might promote its role in Central Asia as a regional interconnector. At the same time, Hanoi might support its foreign policy by establishing a strategic partnership with international and regional actors.
Il ruolo della Cambogia nell’espansione cinese nel sud-est asiatico
Considerando la posizione geostrategica che la Cambogia detiene nella regione del Sud-Est Asia e il rapporto economico che lega Phnom Penh a Pechino, la Repubblica Popolare Cinese ha sviluppato una strategia volta a rafforzare i legami e trasformare lo Stato cambogiano in un elemento fondamentale della sua politica estera regionale.
China – Indonesia relations and the Strait of Malacca: geopolitical analysis and risk assessment
Due to Malacca’s geopolitical centrality, China has strengthened economic-diplomatic dialogue and relations with Southeast Asian countries, especially Indonesia.
The crisis on the Korean Peninsula and the effects on the geopolitical balance in the East China Sea
The current situation in the Korean Peninsula represents a severe threat to economic-strategic stability in the East China Sea geo-maritime space for the United States, the People’s Republic of China, and the Russian Federation.
Xi Jinping and the 20th Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Congress
On October 16th, 2022, Xi Jinping opened the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in a speech lasting about two hours, outlining the main challenges that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will have to face in the coming years to pursue the China Dream policy design.
The geopolitical value of Myanmar in China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Due to its geographical position in the Asia-Pacific, Myanmar plays a strategic role in China’s regional policy, especially in connection with the Malacca Dilemma.
How can the United States and Japan strengthen their alliance against Russia and China?
The United States and Japan have intensified their military, commercial and diplomatic cooperation to counter Russia and China’s strategy in the Asia-Pacific and strengthen Washington’s foreign policy Pivot to Asia.
The People’s Republic of China and the ‘Third Pole’ Water Resources Management
Geopolitical Report ISSN 2785-2598 Volume 23 Issue 2 – In recent years, the People’s Republic of China has heavily invested in renewable resources, particularly in the hydropower sector. Under the Xi Jinping administration, this energy sector has progressively assumed a role in sustaining part of the electricity demand of both the industrial and civil sectors.