Russia wants to upgrade the port of Makhachkala
Russia plans to develop the infrastructure of the port of Makhachkala to transform the Dagestani capital into a logistic hub in the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus region and boost socio-economic development. Moscow’s desire to upgrade Makhachkala’s seaport and airport challenges the city of Baku, and the Azerbaijani aim to become the Caspian interconnection.
Raffreddamento dei rapporti Mosca-Minsk: arrestati 33 contractors russi in Bielorussia
I servizi di sicurezza bielorussi ed i media locali hanno riportato la notizia dell’arresto di 33 contractors russi della compania Wagner accusati di pianificare azioni di destabilizzazione del paese in vista delle elezioni presidenziali previste per il 9 agosto 2020. Tale evento sottolinea ancora una volta come i rapporti Mosca – Minsk si siano raffreddati…
The escalation between Washington and Beijing after the China consulate’s closure in Houston
The U.S. order to close the Chinese consulate in Houston accused of conducting spying activities to steal secret information on new technologies marks a new escalation between Washington and Beijing whose consequences on the international arena might be dangerous and create a fracture during the COVID-19 crisis between those countries allied with the United States…
Russia enhances scientific cooperation with Iran
Iran and Russia are strengthening their bilateral cooperation in the field of scientific research focusing their attention on the Caspian Sea since the region plays a strategic role in the international arena and energy market.
Tensioni Armenia – Azerbaigian, stabilità del Caucaso meridionale e dinamiche geopolitiche
Gli scontri militari tra Armenia ed Azerbaigian lungo la linea di confine registrati il 12 luglio 2020 riportano l’attenzione sul conflitto ‘congelato’ mai risolto o mal gestito del Nagorno-Karabkh che minaccia la stabilità del Caucaso meridionale e gli interessi degli attori regionali e internazionali.
Counter-terrorism in Russia: FSB thwart an attack in Vladikavkaz
The recent attempt to organise a terrorist attack in Vladikavkaz highlighted that the North Caucasus had not defeated local and international terrorism, and jihadist organisations are still a severe threat in the region.
Qatari interests in Turkmenistan underline Central Asia’s geopolitical role
Qatar expressed interest in implementing major projects in the Republic of Turkmenistan. The Arab country aims at playing a significant role in Central Asia, trying to boost its influence and political-economic presence in Turkmenistan, a post-Soviet republic well-known for its energy resources and strategic position.
Guerra dell’informazione: il Cremlino accusa The Jamestown Foundation
Il Procuratore Generale della Federazione Russa ha dichiarato la Jamestown Foundation un’organizzazione ‘indesiderata’ a causa di una serie di articoli pubblicati in merito all’area del Caucaso nordoccidentale i quali fomenterebbero il disordine e le divisioni settarie.
Guerra dell’informazione: il Cremlino accusa Jamestown Foundation
Nella ‘guerra all’informazione’ che ha contraddistinto il confronto/scontro tra gli Stati Uniti e la Russia il Cremlino ha individuato il think tank statunitense The Jamestown Foundation come una ‘minaccia’ per la sicurezza e unità del paese.
Quella ‘casualità’ chiamata Coronavirus per la politica interna ed estera della Cina
Dopo i primi mesi di difficoltà nell’affrontare l’emergenza del Covid-19 la Cina sembra essere tornata alla ribalta internazionale riuscendo sia a gestire o placare i problemi di natura interna e sia a estendere il proprio raggio d’azione e di influenza in Europa, nello specifico in Italia.
How the EU is pushing Italy into Chinese arms
The European Union has shown its inability to face the emergency of Covid-19 and supporting Italy. Due to the lack of EU support Italy is strengthening its relations and cooperation with China considering that Beijing is interested in enhancing the Memorandum of Understanding toward the Belt and Road Initiative signed last year with the previous…
Afghanistan today: security status and possible future development. Meeting with H.E. Helena Malikyar the Ambassador of Afghanistan to Italy
Because Afghanistan matters in geopolitics and its stability might be considered as one of the main goals of the international community, we decided to meet H.E. Helena Malikyar, the Ambassador of Afghanistan to Italy to discuss issues related to the security, stability, economic development and future challenges in Afghanistan.
Economic crisis and financial default in Lebanon
The Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab announced the country’s inability to pay the foreign debt as a consequence of the domestic political crisis and the national financial default. Lebanon is becoming an unstable country where foreign powers and actors can exploit people’s hunger and domestic chaos to promote their agenda.
Washington signed a deal with the Taliban, but this is not the end of the war
The U.S.-Taliban deal allows Washington to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan but does not represent the war’s end. Undeniably, the Taliban and other terrorist organisations still threaten the Afghan people and national security.
Washington signed a deal with the Taliban, but this is not the end of the war
The US – Taliban deal should be only interpreted as an agreement between Washington and a specific group of Taliban for the safe passage of the US troops’ withdrawal. The agreement was welcomed as a success in diplomacy. However, the war in the country cannot be considered over since in Afghanistan several factions of Taliban…