In a time of exhaustive struggle for the security of states and people around the world, innovative achievements and shaping of a new reality, we face unpredictable challenges and unstoppable problems, which ignore borders, expanses, state and international systems, spread fear and uncertainty and make millions of people helpless.
However, although the harsh reality leaves many speechless, only the most courageous and scientifically daring will meet new challenges, trying to expose and mark current events, analyze and offer possible solutions and forecast future trends and possible consequences.
To meet current problems, Prof. Dr. Ljubiša Despotović and Asst. Dr. Vanja Glišin, author of the scientific monograph “Geopolitika i Kriptopolitika” (Geopolitics and Cryptopolitics). The authors monitor current events with their scientifically responsible and innovative approach and make a rich scientific contribution to political thought with their analyses. Professors Despotović and Glišin deal with current events and active processes in an academically serious and methodologically precise way, trying to investigate their cryptopolitical level.
The book “Geopolitics and Cryptopolitics” has only one basic emacipatory intention to present, through its content, as close as possible the actual reality of the world we live in, which has been skillfully hidden and masked from us for decades. The reality that is because of us the so-called of ordinary citizens, skillfully covered with lies, half-truths and manipulations (about climate change, overpopulation of the planet, limited resources, widespread contamination, pandemics of unknown etiology, natural disasters, etc.), so that in such an environment we could not expose its hidden essence and let’s actively oppose the planned intention of looting, disease and ultimately reducing the population of the largest part of humanity.
All of the above is organised by a small community of global masters of all power (the globalising elite), who through their corrupt organisations and collaborators (part of the academic and scientific elite, the comprador political elite, global international institutions, secret societies, global NGOs, etc.) as transmissions govern the world and our existences. Thus, the authors deal with conspiracy and cryptopolitics, network wars and cyberspace, global media, geopolitics of health and the Covid-19 pandemic, geopolitics of ecology, geoengineering and abuse of new technologies, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, etc.
The author’s intention is to show and explain at least a small part of the mechanisms of conspiratorial processes and cryptopolitical interests that are behind many agendas of mass endangerment of health, degradation and contamination of the environment, financial robbery and similar malignant goals of the global scum of the elite. That is why geopolitics is indicated in the title of the introduction as a contextual key for decoding those processes.
Contextual analysis is one of the most important scientific procedures, because by correctly decoding the contextual structure, we can understand the motives, meaning and interests of the subject and their actions within that field of contextual action. Hence the defined sub-title of the book: geopolitical sub-disciplinary research of multi-decade manipulations with science, technology and media in the context of crypto-political interests and conspiracist order of power in order to depopulate the population and degrade the living space.
Apart from the stated objectivist scientific approach, the authors briefly explain the subjective dimensions that largely participate, and in a negative way, in what we call the collective manipulation of human perception. In all this, although unwillingly, the authors also explain the co-authorial contribution of ourselves in expanding the space of collective unfreedom and complicity in our own suffering. And all this due to the unwillingness of a large part of the human population to face the facts and information that (through brave global whistleblowers) have persistently been warning us for several decades about the possible end of the history of homo sapiens and a dystopian “existence” in the world of transhumanism and artificial intelligence, except that small part of humanity that the “masters” decide to leave in “life”, whatever that means at this moment.
In many ways, (post)modern societies draw on the last resources of their structure, but also of nature. The danger of being left without a future is now more certain than ever before. The shadow of cataclysm hung over the planet. The modern paradigm threatened its own survival by nullifying the emancipatory potential of its youth. At the peak of her violent power, modern paradigm challenged the majority’s right to quality life, love, peace, happiness and trust. Violence, insanity, contamination, degradation, exploitation, manipulation… are the hallmarks of the times in which we live. Politics has long since lost the need to establish and legitimize itself as a rational and responsible activity for the common good (ideals from ancient times).
Dishonor is exposed in the work and the language of destruction. We have many reasons to believe that we are living in one of the worst epochs of humanity. For the first time in history, this civilization has reached the potential that could eradicate hunger, poverty, unemployment, diseases, etc., but it does not do so, because its entire being is conquered and trapped in the logic of profit and capital consciousness. Totalitarian eugenics – that’s the name of the conspiracy project of today’s insidious quasi-elites.
The social suffering of the vast majority of humanity is in direct proportion to the perverted wealth and selfishness of the impersonal rulers of the world. The richer they are, the greater our suffering. The monstrous in vivo experiment is in full swing.
Author: Asst. Prof. Dr. Vanja Glišin, Research Associate, Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade (Serbia).