SpecialEurasia signed a cooperation agreement with Mondo Internazionale

Partnership SpecialEurasia Mondo Internazionale
SpecialEurasia and Mondo Internazionale signed a partnership and cooperation agreement to boost their activities

SpecialEurasia signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with the association Mondo Internazionale to enhance training activities and consulting services and organise events to allow the Italian and foreign audience to deepen their knowledge of the world of international affairs and geopolitics.

We believe in partnership and cooperation as part of our working activities. Since the beginning of our journey in the world of international relations, geopolitics, consulting and research, we have established separate partnership agreements with organisations and companies which have demonstrated their success and outstanding performance.

In this context, SpecialEurasia signed a cooperation and partnership agreement with Mondo Internazionale to create a framework of collaboration in research and editorial activities and training courses.

Mondo Internazionale is an association that operates in the field of cultural diplomacy, promoting and carrying out international cooperation activities of youth, intercultural, multicultural, interdisciplinary and intergenerational nature. Presently, Mondo Internazionale counts over 250 under 35 members located in Brazil, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, the Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States, and, through its activities of Research, Information and Training, reaches over 86 countries across the world. The association aims to enhance the skills of young people, deepen their knowledge and introduce them to the labour market; it also proposes high-level contributions in the geo-strategic, multilateral, training and information fields thanks to the learning by doing model. Working in close synergy with an international network, Mondo Internazionale supports universities, companies and institutions with new proposals for development projects to achieve shared and common goals. The association, characterised by a digital-driven approach, supports the development of a multicultural, interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue among young talents from all over the world, placing them in a structured and professional reality divided into five areas: the four divisions – Mondo Internazionale Academy, Mondo Internazionale Post, Mondo Internazionale Hub and Mondo Internazionale G.E.O. – Geostrategic Earth Observations and management area.

The Italian association Mondo Internazionale aims to create new connections and entities worldwide. The name reflects the association’s philosophy: the word “mondo” (world) highlights the global approach and the set of countries and cultures that characterised the world as a whole. The world “internazionale” (international” means the constant connection between the infinite facets of the globe, which Mondo Internazionale considers great wealth for humanity.

Among different actors which operate in the field of international relations, SpecialEurasia selected Mondo Internazionale because of the diversity of its members, which we consider a concrete added value of the association. We hope that daily dialogues and endless exchange of ideas might create an ideal environment for innovation, reflecting our joint activities, research projects and training courses.

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